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  • Nick Sargent

What is money

Updated: Sep 23, 2023

Money is a medium of exchange that allows us to progress as a society. It allows for goods and services to be traded and exchanged, which is essential for a functioning civilization. Money helps to regulate the process of trading and exchanging and ensures that people's contributions to society are fairly valued. However, money is not just a medium of exchange, it is also a social construct that is based on the collective belief in its value.

The value of money is based on faith, even when it is backed by something tangible like gold. The value of gold is subjective and can fluctuate depending on market conditions and perceptions. Historically, other items have been used as a medium of exchange such as salt, but money can take many forms, including physical and digital. Paper bills and coins make up only a small percentage of all money in circulation and is created to meet the demands of private banks. Digital money is becoming more prevalent as technology advances and it has the advantage of being more convenient and efficient.

Inflation is an important consideration when it comes to money. It occurs when the purchasing power of a dollar diminishes over time due to an increase in the total number of dollars in circulation. This can have a significant impact on the buying power of a dollar and can be caused by the central bank pumping money into the economy. There are ways to regulate inflation, one such method is the gold standard, which ties the value of the dollar to the value of gold and helps keep inflation in check. This policy can also be pitched as an easier way to carry value instead of carrying gold. The USD was once exchangeable for gold and this helped to regulate the money supply and contributed to the US dollar becoming the reserve currency of the world.

In conclusion, money is a complex social construct that has multiple layers of meaning and significance. It serves as a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. Understanding the concept of money, its history, and the factors that affect its value can help us make more informed decisions when it comes to managing our finances and navigating the economy.

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